Jumat, 15 Februari 2008

Decrypt File and Zipped File

Decryption process can be divided into three types:
1. Decrypt archive that contains a single file
2. Decrypt a zipped archive that contains a single file
3. Decrypt a zipped archive that contains multiple files
In all three cases, the operation is similar. If an encrypted file was compressed before it was encrypted, the decryption will create a Zip file in the same location. You need to unzip the file to see the contents of the archive. The exception to this is case 3, when you decrypt a zipped archive containing multiple files. In this case, the original folder will be unzipped automatically without an additional unzipping procedure.

To decrypt file, run the SecretZip executable file.
Click on the “Decrypt File” button in the menu bar.
Select the encrypted files or encrypted zipped files for decryption. Click on the “Open” button to continue.
A dialog box will prompt you to enter a password for the encrypted file. Click the “OK” button once the password is entered. Please note that the password is case-sensitive.
You will then see a “Decrypting Progress” window, followed by another window which
confirms the decrypting progress.
If password entered is incorrect, click on the “OK” button to continue. You will be prompted to enter a new password.

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SecretZip 1.0 Tutorial Second Edition

Unzip File
SecretZip is capable of decompressing any Zip type files. Run the executable file.
Click on the “Unzip File” button.
The next window appeared will allow you to browse for any Zip type files. The Zip type files can recognize by the icon. After selecting the desire zipped file to be unzip, click on the “Open” button to continue.
Next, choose the folder to unzip the archive to then click on the “OK” button. The Unzipping
progress is completed and confirmed. Click on the “OK” button to continue.
If the zipped file was encrypted before it was compressed (archive contains a single file), a
Enc type file will be added to the folder you selected to unzip to. You must decrypt the Enc
file before you can gain access to the original file.

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